Providing a 10 – 14 bed service for clients waiting to get into residential addiction treatment programs or residential mental health programs or supported housing programs in and around Edmonton. Residents would come from Alberta Health Services Detox, George Spady detox, out of corrections, or any other temporary situation they need to leave before they have a treatment bed. Clients would be housed, fed, supervised and supported in any way necessary to help them navigate the wait list times for treatment safely.
Men and women on wait lists for addiction or mental health residential treatment programs or supported housing programs.
Help clients navigate wait list for treatment safely.
Initial Funds Required:
Approximately $800,000 for facility OR suitable facility provided through Alberta Infrastructure or AHS.
Annual Funds Required:
Approximately $600,000 annually for staff salaries, clients meals, and facility costs
Time Frame:
We could start serving clients as early as the summer of 2019 depending on infrastructure readiness